And by challenge, we mean yoga style! Challenge yourself and gain some personal motivation for staying healthy and active during the mad dash of food and festivities through the end of the year. Plus, get some good discounts and rewards!
The challenge will run from Thanksgiving till the end of the year. During the 5 weeks, take at least 3 classes per week. Each week that you succeed, you earn loyalty points in our new loyalty program. If you complete all 5 weeks, get 20% off your next class pass purchase with a coupon code.
You can also earn loyalty points for leaving a Google review and/or referring a friend to the studio (or the challenge). Any new friends that join the challenge get 20% off a monthly unlimited for 4-weeks of the challenge. If they succeed, they still get 20% off their next class pass purchase.
The challenge begins on November 25th and runs through December 30th. Challenge weeks run from Saturday to Friday.
Like and share the Facebook event, you'll get 2 bonus loyalty points. Sign up here for the challenge, we will help keep track of your progress. Complete this short form and whether you complete the challenge or not, you'll have set an intention for the season.